
 Copyright 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation.              
 Distributed only by permission.                            
 Last modified on Mon Aug 19 22:13:16 PDT 1996 by mhb       

A DocVBT.T is a document. Each DeckVBT contains a collection of DocVBTs, and each FreeDocVBT contains one DocVBT. In turn, each DocVBT displays the contents of an Web page.


  T <: FormsVBT.T;

CONST NumberOfExpansionThreads = 2;

VAR DefaultHomeURL: TEXT;
  (* Set to the contents of the environment variable WWW_HOME;
     if that is not define or is empty, then defaults to
     "". *)

PROCEDURE NewFromURL (url: TEXT := NIL; reload := FALSE; fork := TRUE): T;
Return a new DocVBT.T displaying the URL url. (Defaults to DefaultHomeURL.

PROCEDURE NewFromPage(page: Web.Page; base: TEXT): T;
Return a new DocVBT.T displaying the Web page whose base URL is base.

PROCEDURE Search(doc: T; text: TEXT): BOOLEAN;
Returns whether text is contained in doc.

PROCEDURE Copy(doc: T): T;
Return a copy of doc.

PROCEDURE Reload (doc: T): T;
Return a reloaded copy of doc, ready to be installed in a free-doc or a deck.

PROCEDURE SetOwner(doc: T; owner: VBT.T);
Must be called whenever doc is moved to a different deck or free-doc.

PROCEDURE GetOwner(doc: T): VBT.T;
Return doc's owner, either a deck or a free-doc

PROCEDURE GetTitle (doc: T): TEXT;
Return the title field of the doc. Some heuristics are used to make a guess at the title.

PROCEDURE GetPage(doc: T): Web.Page;
Return the Web page that is displayed by doc.

PROCEDURE Expand (doc: T): VBT.T;
Return a new deck, installed in the Workspace, with all Web pages that doc references. When this procedure returns, the deck is empty. A thread is forked to fetch all of the references. When this thread completes, the banner of the deck is changed to indicate this.