
 Copyright (C) 1989, 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation 
 All rights reserved. 
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description. 
 Last modified on Fri Jan 27 13:01:15 PST 1995 by msm      
      modified on Sun Oct 24 17:59:00 PDT 1993 by sfreeman 

this interface provides shared access to a set of JVDecomps and JVSinks. When a caller asks for a particular type of connection to a jv source, the pool will try to find an existing Sink and Decomp which match the parameters or create new ones. This done, it links the Sink and Decomp and returns the Decomp.


IMPORT JVBuffer, JVDecomp, JVSink, Jvs, OSError, Thread;

PROCEDURE GetDecomp (hostname: TEXT;          (* name of source host *)
                     quality : JVSink.Quality := JVSink.DefaultQuality;
                     (* transmission quality *)
                     READONLY dparams: Jvs.DcmpParams;
                     READONLY cmap   : Jvs.ColormapInfo;
                              create                      := TRUE;
                     maxSinkBuffs, maxDecompBuffs: CARDINAL := 2;
                     decompFactory: JVBuffer.Factory := NIL;
                     decompServer : Jvs.T            := NIL;
                     delay: CARDINAL := 0;
		     subtype: CARDINAL := 0): JVDecomp.T
  RAISES {OSError.E, Thread.Alerted};
try to find an exisiting Sink/Decomp pair which match the given parameters. If either is not found then, create some if create is TRUE, otherwise return NIL.

maxSinkBuffs and maxDecompBuffs set the maximum sizes for the buffer pools if they are created.

decompFactory is used for creating new decompression. buffers. If it is NIL, then a new one will be created; if decompServer is non-NIL, then that will be used, otherwise a new one will be created. If decompFactory is non-NIL, then decompServer must be the same one used in decompFactory

the caller should call decomp.join() and pool.join() to register an interest with the returned decomp and pool

END JVDecompPool.