libm3/src/sqrt/ A portable square root routine David Goldberg, Xerox PARC November, 1993

Copyright (c) 1993 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Last modified on Tue Mar 1 16:30:13 PST 1994 by kalsow modified on Sun Nov 14 20:11:53 PST 1993 by goldberg

GENERIC MODULE Sqrt(Type, Float, FloatExtras);

IMPORT FloatMode;
FROM FloatMode IMPORT RoundingMode, Flag;

  Zero = FLOAT(0.0, Type.T);
  One  = FLOAT(1.0, Type.T);
  Two  = FLOAT(2.0, Type.T);

   * Table of starting approximations for Newton iterations
   *    Table[n, 0] = Average(sqrt(n/2), sqrt((n+1)/2))
   *    Table[n, 1] = Average(sqrt(n), sqrt(n+1))
  Table = ARRAY [32 .. 63], [0 .. 1] OF
            LONGREAL{ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{4.031010d0, 5.700708d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{4.092562d0, 5.787757d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{4.153203d0, 5.873516d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{4.212970d0, 5.958040d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{4.271902d0, 6.041381d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{4.330031d0, 6.123588d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{4.387390d0, 6.204706d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{4.444008d0, 6.284777d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{4.499914d0, 6.363840d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{4.555134d0, 6.441932d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{4.609692d0, 6.519090d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{4.663613d0, 6.595344d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{4.716916d0, 6.670727d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{4.769624d0, 6.745267d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{4.821756d0, 6.818992d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{4.873330d0, 6.891929d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{4.924363d0, 6.964102d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{4.974874d0, 7.035534d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{5.024876d0, 7.106248d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{5.074386d0, 7.176265d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{5.123417d0, 7.245606d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{5.171984d0, 7.314290d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{5.220098d0, 7.382334d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{5.267773d0, 7.449757d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{5.315021d0, 7.516575d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{5.361852d0, 7.582804d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{5.408278d0, 7.648459d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{5.454308d0, 7.713556d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{5.499953d0, 7.778108d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{5.545222d0, 7.842129d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{5.590125d0, 7.905631d0},
                     ARRAY [0 .. 1] OF LONGREAL{5.634670d0, 7.968627d0}};

   * Using table above as seed, need 2 iterations for single precision,
   * 3 iterations for double precision.  Reason:
   * If x(n) is n-th Newton iteration, then
   *   x(n+1) - sqrt(x) = [(x(n) - sqrt(x))/sqrt(x)]^2 * (x/(2*x(n)))
   * so if r(n) = (x(n) - sqrt(x))/sqrt(x) is relative error, then
   *   r(n+1) = r(n)^2 * 0.5 * (sqrt(x)/x(n))
   * The largest error is when x=16, then table gives 4.031010, but
   * true answer is 4, so relative error is .031010/4 = .00775
   * So relative error (in exact arithmetic) is
   * r(0):  7.75e-3
   * r(1):  3.0e-5
   * r(2):  4.5e-10
   * r(3):  1.0e-19
   * In double precision, 1 ulp is 1.1e-16, so three iterations
   * is approximately within .001 ulp.  In single precision,
   * 1 ulp is 6.0e-8, so two iterations within .0075 ulp.

PROCEDURE Sqrt (x: Type.T): Type.T RAISES {FloatMode.Trap} =
  <* FATAL FloatMode.Failure *>
  CONST Big = Type.MaxFinite;
    exp, n  : INTEGER;
    y, z    : Type.T;
    inexact : BOOLEAN;
    saveMode: RoundingMode;
    CASE Float.Class(x) OF
    | Float.IEEEClass.SignalingNaN =>
        RETURN (x + One); (* force exception *)
    | Float.IEEEClass.QuietNaN => RETURN (x);
    | Float.IEEEClass.Infinity =>
        IF x > Zero THEN
          RETURN (x)
          RETURN (FloatExtras.RaiseInvalid());
    | Float.IEEEClass.Zero => RETURN (x); (* sqrt(-0) = -0 *)
    | Float.IEEEClass.Normal =>
    | Float.IEEEClass.Denormal =>
    IF x < Zero THEN RETURN (FloatExtras.RaiseInvalid()) END;

    (* compute starting approximation *)
    exp := Float.ILogb(x);
    n := TRUNC(Float.Scalb(x, -exp + 5)); (* between 32 and 64 *)
    y := FLOAT(Table[n, exp MOD 2], Type.T);
    y := Float.Scalb(y, exp DIV 2 - 2);

    (* compute Newton iterations in round-to-nearest mode *)
    IF FloatMode.IEEE THEN
      saveMode := FloatMode.GetRounding();
      IF saveMode # RoundingMode.NearestElseEven THEN

    (* iterate to get within 1 ulp *)
    y := (y + x / y) / Two;
    y := (y + x / y) / Two;
    IF BITSIZE(Type.T) = 64 THEN y := (y + x / y) / Two; END;

     * In exact arithmetic, final (y + x/y)/2 is within .001 ulp.
     * Perhaps it could have 2 rounding errors, giving > 1 ulp error?
     * However, empirically largest error is about .75 ulps.

    IF FloatMode.IEEE THEN
      (* Use Kahan-Ng method to get exactly rounded result. *)
      z := x / y;
      inexact := Flag.Inexact IN FloatMode.GetFlags();
       * y' is correctly rnded square root iff (y')*(y'-) < x <= (y')*(y'+)
       * (see "Computation of elementary functions on the IBM RISC
       * System/6000 processor", by P. W. Markstein,
       * IBM J Res Develop, 34(1),  January 1990, p. 115).
       *  Analysis when inexact is as follows.
       *  Let r = correctly rounded square root.
       *  If z = y+, then y+ < x/y < y++ or
       *       y*(y+) < x < y*(y++) < (y+)*(y++)
       *  r = y+
       *  If z = y, then y < x/y < y+ or y*(y-) < y*y < x < y*(y+)
       *  r = y
       *  If z = y-, then y- < x/y < y or y*(y-) < x < y*y
       *  r = y
       *  If z = y--, then y-- < x/y < y- or
       *     (y-)*(y--) < y*y-- < x < y*(y-)
       *  r = y-
       *  Thus in every case, r = floor[((z+) + y)/2]
       *      Fine point: In first case, if y, y++ cross binade, then
       *      (y + y++)/2 # y+.  But this can only happen when
       *      z = y+ = 2^t, so 2^t = floor(x/(2^t - 2e)).  Then either
       *      x=2^t*(2^t - 2e) and operation is exact, or
       *      x=2^(2*t) and since y is within 1 ulp of square root,
       *      y=2^t.
       *  Next let r = truncated square root.  Know that either
       *  r = y or r = y-.  In cases above,
       *   z = y+ => y*y < y*y+ < x =>  r=y
       *   z = y => y*y < x         =>  r=y
       *   z = y- => y*y > x        =>  r=y-
       *   z = y-- => y*y > y*y- > x => r=y-
       *  Thus in every case, r = floor[(z + y)/2]
       *  Finally  let r = ceil of square root.  Know that either
       *  r = y or r = y+.  In cases above,
       *   z = y+ => x > y*y+ > y*y  =>  r=y+
       *   z = y => x > y*y          =>  r=y+
       *   z = y- => x < y*y         =>  r=y
       *   z = y-- => x < y*y- < y*y =>  r=y
       *  Thus in every case, r = floor[(z + y)/2]+
      IF inexact THEN
        CASE saveMode OF <* NOWARN *>(* other cases not possible *)
        | RoundingMode.TowardMinusInfinity,
          RoundingMode.TowardZero =>
            y := (z + y) / Two;
        | RoundingMode.TowardPlusInfinity =>
            y := (z + y) / Two;
            y := Float.NextAfter(y, Big);
        | RoundingMode.NearestElseEven =>
            z := Float.NextAfter(z, Big);
            y := (z + y) / Two;
      ELSE (* exact *)
        IF z # y THEN
           * e.g. x = 2^53*(2^53-1) or x = 2^52*(2^52+1)
           * If x = y*(y+u), u an ulp, then sqrt(x) =
           *    y*(1 + u/(2*y) - stuff), so sqrt(x) < y + u/2.
           *  Thus correctly rnded sqrt = min(y, z).
          inexact := TRUE; (* square root not exact *)
          IF saveMode = RoundingMode.TowardPlusInfinity THEN
            y := MAX(z, y);
            y := MIN(z, y); (* or y := (y + z)/2.0 *)
        (* ELSE y = z = exact square root *)
      IF inexact THEN FloatExtras.SetFlag(Flag.Inexact) END;
    END; (* IF FloatMode.IEEE *)
    RETURN (y);
  END Sqrt;

END Sqrt.

interface FloatMode is in: