
 Copyright (C) 1990, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              

Last modified on Fri Nov 11 13:12:43 PST 1994 by kalsow

RTLinker defines the values initialized by the linker and startup code.



VAR (* external environment *)
  argc       : INTEGER;
  argv       : ADDRESS;
  envp       : ADDRESS;
  instance   : ADDRESS;  (* Windows "instance" handle *)

  (* Does compiled code include GC checks? *)
  generational := TRUE;
  incremental  := TRUE;

PROCEDURE InitRuntime (argc: INTEGER;  argv, envp, instance: ADDRESS);
Initializes the runtime and the environment globals. It must be called once before any other Modula-3 code is executed.

<* EXTERNAL "RTLinker__GetEnvironmentStrings" *>
PROCEDURE GetEnvironmentStrings (EnvFromMain: ADDRESS): ADDRESS;

PROCEDURE AddUnit (b: RT0.Binder);
Adds b(0) and any units it imports to the set of linked and initialized compilation units.

PROCEDURE AddUnitImports (b: RT0.Binder);
Adds any units b(0) imports but not b(0) itself to the set of linked and initialized compilation units.

PROCEDURE RunMainBody (m: RT0.ModulePtr);
Invokes ms main body if it hasn't already been done. Note: this procedure is only exported so that stack walkers can know when to quit looking at frames.

END RTLinker.