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Friends interface for M3CLex

IMPORT M3AST_LX, M3CToken, M3CReservedWord, M3CHash, M3CLex;

TYPE FriendPart = M3CLex.Public OBJECT
    rd: Rd.T := NIL;
    identifiers: M3CReservedWord.Table;
    literals: M3CHash.Table;
    cur_identifier: M3AST_LX.Symbol_rep := NIL;
    cur_literal: M3AST_LX.Literal_rep := NIL;
    line, offset, startOfToken, linesInToken: CARDINAL := 0;
    callBack: M3CLex.CallBack := NIL;
    tokenBuffer: Buffer;
    hashValue: M3CHash.Value := NIL;
    get(): CHAR RAISES {Rd.Failure, Rd.EndOfFile};
    unget(ch: CHAR);
    readId(firstCh: CHAR): M3CToken.T RAISES {Rd.Failure};
    readNumericLiteral(firstCh: CHAR): M3CToken.T RAISES {Rd.Failure};
    readCharLiteral(wide: BOOLEAN): M3CToken.T RAISES {Rd.Failure};
    readTextLiteral(wide: BOOLEAN): M3CToken.T RAISES {Rd.Failure};
    readCommentOrPragma(isComment: BOOLEAN) RAISES {Rd.Failure};

REVEAL M3CLex.T <: FriendPart;

  IsComment = TRUE;
  IsPragma = FALSE;
The get method returns the next character from the lookahead buffer, raising Rd.EndOfFile if the stream is exhausted. unget(ch) puts ch into the lookahead buffer, causing get to return it the next time it is called. Multiple calls without an intervening get have no effect.

The readId method reads an identifier that begins with firstCh. If the identifier correspsonds to a reserved word, the associated M3CToken.T value is returned, otherwise M3CToken.T.Identifier is returned and the identifier field is set to the Symbol_rep for the identifier.

The readNumericLiteral method reads a numeric literal that starts with firstCh, returning the appropriate value of M3CToken.T, and setting the literal field to the Literal_rep value for the literal.

readCharLiteral and readTextLiteral read character literals and text literals, respectively, and assume that the leading quote or double-quote character has already been consumed. The value of the literal field is set to the Literal_rep value for the literal.

readCommentOrPragma assumes that the leading ( or < character has been consumed and tenh attempts to process the remainder of the comment or pragma, calling the callback method with the result.

Manipulating the token buffer directly. Call these procedures with buffer = t.tokenBuffer.

  Buffer <: REFANY;

PROCEDURE BufferToText(buffer: Buffer; length: CARDINAL): TEXT RAISES {};
converts length chars from buffer to a TEXT and returns the result.

    VAR buffer: Buffer;
    pos: CARDINAL;
    ch: CHAR) RAISES {};
Stores ch as position pos in buffer, possibly adding an overflow area (hence VAR).

<*INLINE*> PROCEDURE HashAndBufferPut(
    ch: CHAR;
    hashValue: M3CHash.Value;
    VAR buffer: Buffer;
    VAR pos: CARDINAL)
    RAISES {};
As BuffePut, but also calls M3CHash.AddCharToValue(ch, hashValue) and increments pos.