
 Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation        
 All rights reserved.                                     
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.           
 Last modified on Thu Feb  9 08:34:18 PST 1995 by kalsow  


IMPORT Wr, Thread, EventFile;

PROCEDURE Generate (READONLY evt: EventFile.T;  algorithm, view: TEXT;
                    template: TEXT;  wr: Wr.T)
  RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Macro expand template using values from evt, leaving the results on wr.

END Template.

These are the symbols recognized by during macro expansion:

       #{                   start repeated block of all events;
                              must be alone at head of line
       #{_OUTPUT            start repeated block of output events only
       #{_UPDATE            start repeated block of update events only
       #{_FEEDBACK          start repeated block of feedback events only
       #}                   end repeated block; must be alone at head of line
       #|                   introduces between-args material; must be alone
                               at head of line and inside a per-arg block
       #(_ALGNAME_)         algorithm name
       #(_VIEWNAME_)        view name (for -Obliq or -Obliq3D)
       $                    import from template follows; must fill the line
       #(_IMPORTS_)         imports from event file & template go here
       #(_ALGDATA_)         data fields for algorithm object
       #(_EVENT_)           name of event
       #(_EVENTSTYLE_)      "OutputEvent", "FeedbackEvent", or "UpdateEvent"
       #(_EVENTPRIO_)       Integer priority, in 0..9
       #(_ARGSTR_)          unprocessed arg string, with no trailing semis
       #(_NONULL_ARGSTR_)   ... w/ a dummy integer declaration if null
       #(_SEMI_ARGSTR_)     ... w/ leading semi if non-null
       #(_ARGSTR_SEMI_)     ... w/ trailing semi if non-null
       #(_ARGTYPES_)        types of args, no names
       #(_COMMA_ARGTYPES_)  ... w/ leading comma
       #(_SPACED_ARGTYPES_) types of args, with spaces, not commas, between
       #(_ARGNAMES_)        names of args, no types, as for a call
       #(_COMMA_ARGNAMES_)  ... w/ leading comma
       #(_ARGMODE_)         single argument mode (VALUE=>"")
       #(_ARGNAME_)         single argument name
       #(_ARGTYPE_)         single argument type
       #(_ARGFMT_)          a function that gives a printable text when
                               applied to the argument