
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 by Steve Glassman and Stephen Harrison                                    
 Last modified on Fri Aug 19 16:24:45 PDT 1994 by steveg   
      modified on Tue Jul 21 20:26:45 PDT 1992 by harrison 


This interface provides the convenience routines for manipulating MG elements

IMPORT Color, Font, Matrix2D, MG, PaintOp, R2, R2Box, VBT, R2Path;

<* LL < for all procedures *>
<* INLINE *> PROCEDURE Pos(t: MG.T; v: MG.V): R2.T;
Return the position of t. Exact interpretation depends on the subtype. Logically it returns t.m * R2.Origin

<* INLINE *> PROCEDURE LineFrom(line: MG.Line; v: MG.V): R2.T;
<* INLINE *> PROCEDURE LineTo(line: MG.Line; v: MG.V): R2.T;

<* INLINE *> PROCEDURE RectangleSW(rectangle: MG.Rectangle; v: MG.V): R2.T;
<* INLINE *> PROCEDURE RectangleNE(rectangle: MG.Rectangle; v: MG.V): R2.T;

<* INLINE *> PROCEDURE EllipseSW(ellipse: MG.Ellipse; v: MG.V): R2.T;
<* INLINE *> PROCEDURE EllipseNE(ellipse: MG.Ellipse; v: MG.V): R2.T;

<* INLINE *> PROCEDURE ShapeOrigin(shape: MG.Shape; v: MG.V): R2.T;
<* INLINE *> PROCEDURE ShapePath(shape: MG.Shape; v: MG.V := NIL): R2Path.T;

PROCEDURE IterateGroup (group      : MG.Group;
                        iter       : MG.GroupIterator;
                        recursively                     := FALSE;
                        fromBack                        := TRUE   ):
If recursively then groups within group are also iterated so that all leaf nodes are depth first. Group nodes are visited after all of their descendants.

IF fromBack then the nodes are visited in visual back to front order else from front to back.

Result is false if any proc returned FALSE else TRUE

PROCEDURE AddToGroup (group: MG.Group; v: MG.V; t: MG.T; atTop := TRUE);
PROCEDURE AddToGroupAfter (group: MG.Group;
                           v    : MG.V;
                           t    : MG.T;
                           prev : MG.T       := NIL);
PROCEDURE AddToGroupBefore (group: MG.Group;
                            v    : MG.V;
                            t    : MG.T;
                            next : MG.T       := NIL);
PROCEDURE RemoveFromGroup (group: MG.Group; v: MG.V; t: MG.T);
PROCEDURE TopInGroup (group: MG.Group; v: MG.V; t: MG.T);
PROCEDURE BottomInGroup (group: MG.Group; v: MG.V; t: MG.T);

PROCEDURE Register (v: MG.V; id: MG.ID; t: MG.T);
Register t in v's with id

PROCEDURE Lookup (v: MG.V; id: MG.ID): MG.T;
Lookup id in v's lookup table and return the corresponding element. Returns NIL if id = NoID or id is not registered with v.

Clear v of any visual state - Reset the lookup table, clear the display list, delete any animations

PROCEDURE ResetLookups(v: MG.V);
Clear the lookup table for v.

PROCEDURE BoundingBox (t: MG.T; v: MG.V): R2Box.T;
PROCEDURE SetColor (t: MG.T; v: MG.V; color: PaintOp.ColorScheme);
PROCEDURE SetFont (t: MG.T; v: MG.V; font: Font.T);
PROCEDURE SetHighlight (t: MG.T; v: MG.V; highlight := 1.0);
PROCEDURE SetVisible (t: MG.T; v: MG.V; visible := 1.0);
PROCEDURE SetWeight (t: MG.T; v: MG.V; weight := 1.0);
PROCEDURE SetAlignment (t: MG.T; v: MG.V; alignment := MG.Alignment.Center);
PROCEDURE SetLabel (t: MG.T; v: MG.V; label := "");
PROCEDURE SetAppearance (t: MG.T; v: MG.V; appearance: MG.Appearance := NIL);

PROCEDURE SetLineStyle (line: MG.Line; v: MG.V; style := VBT.EndStyle.Round);
PROCEDURE SetLineReshape (line: MG.Line; v: MG.V; READONLY from, to: R2.T);
PROCEDURE SetRectangleReshape (         rect            : MG.Rectangle;
                                        v               : MG.V;
                               READONLY corner1, corner2: R2.T          );

PROCEDURE RTranslate (t: MG.T; v: MG.V; READONLY by: R2.T);
translate t.pos by by

PROCEDURE TranslateTo (         t     : MG.T;
                                v     : MG.V;
                       READONLY dest  : R2.T;
                                center         := FALSE);
Convenience procedures to move t.pos to dest (or to center t around dest if center)

PROCEDURE Scale (         t     : MG.T;
                          v     : MG.V;
                 READONLY factor         := R2.Ones;
                 READONLY wrt            := R2.Origin);
scale t by factor[0] horizontally and factor[1] vertically, with respect to the point wrt

PROCEDURE Rotate (         t     : MG.T;
                           v     : MG.V;
                           angle : REAL;
                  READONLY origin         := R2.Origin);
Rotate t around origin by angle degrees

PROCEDURE Transform (t: MG.T; v: MG.V; READONLY m: Matrix2D.T);
Transform t by m

<* LL arbitrary for following procedures *>
VAR defaultColor: PaintOp.ColorScheme;

PROCEDURE OpFromName (name: TEXT; mode := PaintOp.Mode.Accurate):

PROCEDURE ColorFromText (bg, fg: TEXT := NIL; mode := PaintOp.Mode.Accurate):
PROCEDURE ColorFromRGB (bg, fg: Color.T; mode := PaintOp.Mode.Accurate):
Returns the color scheme for the colors specifed by bg and fg (for color the texts are interpreted by ColorName.ToRGB)

END MGPublic.