
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation 
 All rights reserved. 
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description. 
 by Steve Glassman and Stephen Harrison 
 Contributed by Michel Dagenais (, 1994. 

This interface provides operations on objects of type Path.T and of type RealPath.T. A Path.T is the path represented on an integer grid, a RealPath.T is a path represented by coordinates which are reals.


IMPORT Path, RealPath, Rect, RealTransform;

PROCEDURE RealPathToPath (READONLY realPath: RealPath.T;
                          READONLY matrix := RealTransform.Identity): Path.T;
Convert realPath to the equivalent Path.T on an integer grid transformed by matrix.

PROCEDURE PathBounds (READONLY path: Path.T): Rect.T;
Return the integer bounds of path.

END PathExtra.