
 Copyright (C) 1991, Digital Equipment Corporation          
 All rights reserved.                                       
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.             
 Created by Susan Owicki, rewritten by Carsten Weich               
 Last modified on Mon Sep 26 19:26:49 PDT 1994 by weich     

Main code generating module. Do() produces the implementation of a stable subtype of its parameter qid.


IMPORT Type, M3Context, StablegenError;

PROCEDURE Do (c                        : M3Context.T;
              qid                      : Type.Qid;
              reveal, implName, repName: TEXT         )
  RAISES {StablegenError.E};
Generate implementation for the object which type is named by qid. c is the current compilation context. An exception is raised if an error is detected. reveal is the name of the interface containing the most specific revealation of qid. implName is the name of the implementation module for the stable subtype. repName is the module name of the generic part of the implementation of the stable object (usually like implName with a ``Rep'' appended). The repName module is made by instatiating the generic StableRep module.

END GenCode.

interface Type is in: