
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 PaintPrivate.def, by msm & cgn, Wed May  6 16:57:44 1987 
 Last modified on Sat Apr  2 16:46:50 PST 1994 by heydon  
      modified on Thu May 20 14:42:00 PDT 1993 by msm     
      modified on Mon Feb 24 13:57:24 PST 1992 by muller  
      modified on Thu Dec 12  0:33:16 PST 1991 by gnelson 
      modified on Mon Jun  4 11:30:30 PDT 1990 by steveg 
This interface defines the layout of entries in paint batches.

INTERFACE PaintPrivate;

IMPORT Rect, Point, Trapezoid, Word;

  PaintOp = INTEGER;
  Pixmap = INTEGER;
  Font = INTEGER;
In a paint batch, PaintOps, Pixmaps, and Fonts are represented by integers in a screentype-dependent way. During rescreening an old batch might find its way to a screen of the wrong type, causing garbage to be painted; but the garbage will be painted over with the correct pixels promptly.

  PaintCommand = {RepeatCom, TintCom, TextureCom,
    PixmapCom, ScrollCom, TrapCom, TextCom,
  PackedCommand = PaintCommand;
  FixedSzCommand =
  ByteOrder = {MSBFirst, LSBFirst};
  PackedByteOrder = ByteOrder;

  HostByteOrder: ByteOrder;
There are eight types of entries; each of which begins with a word containing a PaintCommand that indicates which type of entry it is.

Entries of type TintCom, TextureCom, PixmapCom, ScrollCom, TrapCom, and TextCom are used to implement the VBT operations PaintTint, PaintTexture, PaintPixmap, Scroll, PaintTrapezoid, and PaintText/PaintSub.

A RepeatCom entry in a batch indicates that the preceding entry is to be re-executed with its clipping rectangle changed to that of the RepeatCom entry. For example, these are used for implementing PolyTint, PolyTexture, and PaintRegion. There are some restrictions on where RepeatCom entries can occur.

ExtensionCom entries can be used to implement additional painting operations beyond those that are built into Trestle.

Some of the entries are fixed size; that is, the size of the entry is determined by their type. The following array gives the sizes of the fixed-size commands:

  WS = BYTESIZE(Word.T);
  ComSize =
    ARRAY FixedSzCommand OF INTEGER
    {(BYTESIZE(CommandRec) + WS-1) DIV WS,
     (BYTESIZE(TintRec) + WS-1) DIV WS,
     (BYTESIZE(PixmapRec) + WS-1) DIV WS,
     (BYTESIZE(PixmapRec) + WS-1) DIV WS,
     (BYTESIZE(ScrollRec) + WS-1) DIV WS,
     (BYTESIZE(TrapRec) + WS-1) DIV WS};
ComSize[c] equals the size in Word.Ts of a paint batch entry for the command c.

  CommandRec =
    RECORD command: PackedCommand; clip: Rect.T END;
  CommandPtr = UNTRACED REF CommandRec;
  RepeatPtr = CommandPtr;

  (* We define a "Rec" and a "Ptr" type for each kind of batch entry.

     Every batch entry is a ``pseudo-subtype'' of a "Command", in the
     sense that its record type has "CommandRec" as a prefix.

     A repeat command has no other fields besides the command identifier
     itself and the clipping rectangle.  Hence a "RepeatPtr" is simply
     a pointer to a "CommandRec".

     All of the batch entries that are not repeat commands contain
     a "PaintOp".  They are all pseudo-subtypes of the following
     "Rec" and "Ptr" types: *)

  PaintRec = RECORD
    command: PackedCommand;
    clip: Rect.T;
    op: PaintOp
  PaintPtr = UNTRACED REF PaintRec;
The following four entry types correspond to PaintTint, PaintPixmap, Scroll, and PaintTrapezoid operations.

TintRec = RECORD
    command: PackedCommand;
    clip: Rect.T;
    op: PaintOp
  TintPtr = UNTRACED REF TintRec;

  PixmapRec = RECORD
    command: PackedCommand;
    clip: Rect.T;
    op: PaintOp;
    delta: Point.T;
    pm: Pixmap
  PixmapPtr = UNTRACED REF PixmapRec;
  TexturePtr = PixmapPtr;

  ScrollRec = RECORD
    command: PackedCommand;
    clip: Rect.T;
    op: PaintOp;
    delta: Point.T;
  ScrollPtr = UNTRACED REF ScrollRec;
It is illegal for a ScrollRec to be directly followed in a batch by a Repeat command.

TrapRec = RECORD
    command: PackedCommand;
    clip: Rect.T;
    op: PaintOp;
    delta: Point.T;
    pm: Pixmap;
    p1, p2: Point.T;
    m1, m2: Trapezoid.Rational;
  TrapPtr = UNTRACED REF TrapRec;
If tr is a TrapRec, then tr.p1 and tr.p2 are points that are on the extensions of the west and east edges of the trapezoid, and tr.m1 and tr.m2 are the slopes of the west and east edges. The slopes are given as (delta v) / (delta h). A zero denominator represents an infinite slope; i.e., a vertical edge. A zero numerator is illegal.

The entries that are not fixed-size are pseudo-subtypes of VarSzRec, which contains a size field with the number of Word.T's in the entire entry.

    command: PackedCommand;
    clip: Rect.T;
    op: PaintOp;
    szOfRec: INTEGER;
  VarSzPtr = UNTRACED REF VarSzRec;
PaintText and PaintSub operations result in the following entry type, in which command will equal TextCom:

TYPE Prop = {Clipped, FontSub};
     Props = SET OF Prop;

  TextRec = RECORD
    command: PackedCommand;
    clip: Rect.T;
    op: PaintOp;
    szOfRec: INTEGER;
    byteOrder: PackedByteOrder;
    props: Props;
    refpt: Point.T;
    fnt: Font;
    txtsz, dlsz: INTEGER;

      (* dl: ARRAY [0..dlsz-1] OF VBT.Displacement 

| (* chars: ARRAY [0..txtsz-1] OF CHAR *)

  TextPtr = UNTRACED REF TextRec;
In a TextRec, Prop.Clipped must be in props if the bounding box of Text.FromChars(chars) painted at refpt in the font fnt is not a subset of clip. A TextRec can be directly followed in a batch by a Repeat only if Prop.Clipped is present. Prop.FontSub is in props implies that the bounding box that must be cleared before painting is not the natural bounding box for the font. The dl and chars fields are declared in comments since Modula-3 does not allow a record to contain a variable-sized array; they must be accessed using address arithmetic. The chars field will be padded out so that the TextRec ends on a word boundary.

The byteOrder field defines the byteorder of the characters. (Since paint batches can be transported across address spaces and merged, the byte order could be different for different records in a paint batch.)

ExtensionRec = RECORD
    command: PackedCommand;
    clip: Rect.T;
    op: PaintOp;
    szOfRec: INTEGER;
    delta: Point.T;
    pm: Pixmap;
    fnt: Font;
    subCommand: INTEGER;

      (* extensionData: ARRAY OF CHAR 


  ExtensionPtr = UNTRACED REF ExtensionRec;
An ExtensionRec can be used to implement painting operations that exploit rendering primitives that may be available on some particular implementation. Extension commands get a PaintOp, a delta, a pm, and a fnt ``for free''; they can also put whatever data they need into the rest of the extension data part of the record. The field szOfRec is the number of Word.Ts in the extension record, including the extension data. When an ExtensionRec is translated, it's clip and delta fields are translated automatically; its extension data is unaffected.

PROCEDURE CommandLength(p: CommandPtr): INTEGER;
Return the length in words of the command entry p.

END PaintPrivate.