
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 by Steve Glassman, Mark Manasse and Greg Nelson           
 Last modified on Mon Feb 24 13:57:57 PST 1992 by muller   
      modified on Wed Dec 11 18:57:36 PST 1991 by gnelson  
      modified on Thu Apr 12 15:21:37 PDT 1990 by steveg   
A ScrnColorMap.T is a handle on a colormap that is valid for some particular screentype, called the {\it owner} of the handle. Some handles have names; others are anonymous. A named handle is valid forever. The colormap referenced by an anonymous handle will be garbage-collected when all handles to it have been dropped.

Every colormap has a {\it depth}; the pixel values defined by the color map are in the range [0..(2^depth)-1]. Every color-mapped screentype defines a set of {\it preferred} colors that cover the spectrum reasonably densely. Some preferred colors are designated as {\it stable}.

Clients can allocate pixels out of a color map as read-only shared entries or as writable exclusive entries. The implementation maintains reference counts on the read-only entries so that an entry can be freed when it is no longer allocated to any client.


IMPORT TrestleComm;
\subsubsection{Obtaining handles from the oracle}

  Oracle = Private OBJECT
      <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
      standard(): T RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure};
      new(name: TEXT := NIL; preLoaded := TRUE): T
        RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure, Failure};
      lookup(name: TEXT): T
        RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure};
      list(pat: TEXT; maxResults: CARDINAL := 1)
        : REF ARRAY OF TEXT RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure}
  Private <: ROOT;

Every color-mapped screentype st contains a field st.cmap of type Oracle, which hands out colormaps owned by st:

The method call

returns the default colormap owned by st. This is the colormap that a top-level window will initially have when it is rescreened to st. Initially, the stable colors are allocated read-only with a reference count of one.

The method call

      st.cmap.new(name, preLoaded)
creates and returns a new colormap owned by st with the given name. If preLoaded is true, the stable colors are initially allocated read-only; otherwise nothing is allocated initially.

The method call

returns the colormap owned by st with the given name, or NIL if no colormap has this name.

The method call

      st.cmap.list(pat, maxResults)
returns the names of colormaps owned by st that match the pattern pat. The list of results may be truncated to length maxResults. A * matches any number of characters and a ? matches any single character.

\subsubsection{The handle object}

  T <: Public;
  Public = OBJECT (*CONST*)
      depth: INTEGER;
      readOnly: BOOLEAN;
      ramp: Ramp;
      <* LL.sup <= VBT.mu *>
      fromRGB(rgb: RGB; mode := Mode.Normal): Pixel
        RAISES {Failure, TrestleComm.Failure};
      read(VAR res: ARRAY OF Entry)
        RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure};
      write(READONLY new: ARRAY OF Entry)
        RAISES {Failure, TrestleComm.Failure};
      new(dim: CARDINAL): Cube RAISES
        {Failure, TrestleComm.Failure};
      free(READONLY cb: Cube)
        RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure};
  Mode = {Stable, Normal, Accurate};
  Ramp = RECORD
    base: INTEGER;
    last, mult: ARRAY Primary OF INTEGER;
  Primary = {Red, Green, Blue};
  Cube = RECORD lo, hi: Pixel END;
  Pixel = INTEGER;
  RGB = RECORD r, g, b: REAL END;
  Entry = RECORD pix: Pixel; rgb: RGB END;
The field cm.depth is the depth of cm, and cm.readOnly is TRUE if cm cannot be written. The field cm.ramp defines a three dimensional lattice of colors preallocated in cm, as follows.

If cm.ramp.base is -1, the lattice of preallocated colors is empty.

If cm.ramp.base is not -1, then the pixel value

      base + r*mult[Red] + g*mult[Green] + b*mult[Blue]
represents the color (r/last[Red], g/last[Green], b/last[Blue]), for r in the range [0..last[Red]], g in the range [0..last[Green]], and b in the range [0..last[Blue]].

\medskip An RGB represents the color with the given blend of red, green, and blue. Each of the numbers is in the range [0.0..1.0]; thus the triple (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) specifies black. In case of a gray scale display, only the r component is relevant.

The method call

      cm.fromRGB(rgb, mode)
extends the read-only portion of cm with a new entry whose value is near rgb and returns the pixel of the new entry. If the read-only portion of cm already contains an entry whose value is near rgb, that entry's pixel is returned. The mode argument controls how near the new entry's value will be to rgb, as follows. If mode is Stable, the new entry's color is the nearest stable color to rgb. If mode is Normal, the new entry's color is the nearest preferred color to rgb. If mode is Accurate, the new entry's color is the nearest color to rgb that the hardware supports. The method raises Failure if a new entry is required but the colormap is full.

For each entry e in the array res, the method call

sets e.rgb to the color in cm of the pixel e.pixel.

The method call

changes the value of cm at p to be rgb, for each pair (p, rgb) in the array new, assuming all these pixels are writable. Otherwise the method raises Failure. The array new must be sorted.

The method call

extends the writable portion of cm with a set of $2^{dim}$ new entries whose pixels form a cube, and returns the cube. The method raises Failure if the free entries of the colormap do not contain a cube of the given dimension.

A Cube cb represents a set of pixels by the following rule: a pixel p is in cb if Word.And(lo, pix) = lo and Word.Or(hi, pix) = hi.

The method call cm.free(cb) deallocates from the writable portion of cm each entry whose pixel is in the cube cb, assuming all of these pixels are allocated.

END ScrnColorMap.