
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Fri May 17 10:56:05 PDT 1996 by mhb                          
      modified on Thu Jul  8 23:45:54 1993 by gnelson                      
      modified on Mon Jun 14 20:59:37 PDT 1993 by meehan                   
      modified on Tue Jun 16 13:08:44 PDT 1992 by muller                   
      modified on Wed Apr 22 16:38:03 PDT 1992 by birrell                  
<* PRAGMA LL                                                                 *>
A ListVBT defines a VBT class for displaying a list (or table) of items. Each item is in a {\em cell}. All cells are the same size. They are displayed in a single vertical column, with a scrollbar. The location of the scrollbar is governed by the environment variable SCROLLBARLOC, described in the VBTKitEnv interface.

The ListVBT itself deals with the details of being a VBT, maintains a table that maps a cell-number to a cell-value, and maintains the {\em selection}, a distinguished subset of the cells. It uses subsidiary objects to handle the details of what cells look like on the screen (Painter), and how the list responds to mouse clicks (Selector).

This interface contains basic versions of each of the subsidiary objects:


\item TextPainter, which treats cells' values as TEXT and paints them.

\item UniSelector, which maintains at most one selected cell, adjusted by mouse clicks.

\item MultiSelector, which uses mouse clicks for selection, but permits multiple cells to be selected.


The client can subclass these, or provide entirely different ones. A client that wishes to take actions in response to mouse clicks should subclass a Selector. Similarly, a client that wishes to display objects other than text strings should subclass Painter.

\subsubsection{Locking levels}

ListVBT is internally synchronized; it can safely be called from multiple threads. All ListVBT.T methods have LL.sup < list. In addition, VBT.mu < list for any list of type ListVBT.T.

VBT methods call Selector methods with LL.sup = VBT.mu. Selector methods are permitted to call ListVBT.T methods.

ListVBT.T methods call Painter methods with the ListVBT.T's internal mutex held. Painter methods must not call any of the ListVBT.T methods; their locking level is such that LL.sup = list.

The TextPainter class uses its own internal lock for font information; \linebreak TextPainter.setFont(v,font) has LL.sup < v.

\subsubsection{The type {ListVBT.T}}


IMPORT Font, PaintOp, Rect, VBT;

The number of a cell; the first cell-number is 0.

  T <: Public;
  Private <: VBT.Split;
  Public = Private OBJECT
             painter : Painter  := NIL;
             selector: Selector := NIL;
             init             (colors: PaintOp.ColorQuad): T;
             setValue         (this: Cell; value: REFANY);
             getValue         (this: Cell): REFANY;
             count            (): CARDINAL;
             insertCells      (at: Cell; n: CARDINAL);
             removeCells      (at: Cell; n: CARDINAL);
             selectNone       ();
             selectOnly       (this: Cell);
             select           (this: Cell; selected: BOOLEAN);
             isSelected       (this: Cell): BOOLEAN;
             getAllSelected   (): REF ARRAY OF Cell;
             getFirstSelected (VAR this: Cell): BOOLEAN;
             scrollTo         (this: Cell);
             scrollToShow     (this: Cell);
             reportVisible    (first: Cell; num: CARDINAL);
In the following descriptions, v is an object of type ListVBT.T, and a value n is said to be {\it in range} if

\medskip {\display {\tt 0 $\leq$ n < v.count() }}

\medskip v.painter is the list's painter; the client may read but not assign to this field, although the client may provide a value at allocation time. If the actual painter has methods allowing it to be modified, the client is welcome to call them, although the client and painter are then responsible for provoking any necessary repaints.

v.selector is the list's selector; client may read but not assign to this field, although the client may provide a value at allocation time. If the actual selector has methods allowing it to be modified, the client is welcome to call them, although the client and selector are then responsible for any necessary adjustments to the set of selected cells.

The call v.init(colors) initializes v as a ListVBT and returns v. It must be called before any other method. colors is passed intact to the scroller; colors.fg is used for a bar that separates the cells from the scroller. If v.painter = NIL when this method is called, init will allocate and initialize a TextPainter. If v.selector = NIL, init will allocate and initialize a UniSelector. Neither the painter nor the selector need have been initialized before this method is called. The list initially has no cells (and no selection).

In the call v.setValue(this,value), if this is in range, then record value as the value of the cell this; otherwise do nothing.

In the call v.getValue(this), if this is in range, then return the previously recorded value of the cell this; otherwise return NIL.

The call v.count() returns the number of cells.

The call v.insertCells(at,n) inserts n cells, starting at

      MAX (0, MIN (at, v.count()))
Previously existing cells at and beyond at are renumbered appropriately, and selections are relocated appropriately. The VBT will be repainted in due course. The new cells' values are all NIL, and they are not selected.

The call v.removeCells(at, n) removes all cells in the range

      [MAX (0, MIN (at, v.count ())) ..
        -1 + MIN (at + n, v.count ())]
Subsequent cells are renumbered appropriately. The VBT will be repainted in due course.

The call v.selectNone() makes the set of selected cells be empty.

In the call v.selectOnly(this), if this is in range, make the set of selected cells be exactly this; otherwise make the list of selected cells be empty. Equivalent to

      v.selectNone(); v.select(this,TRUE)
In the call v.select(this,selected), if this is in range and selected is TRUE, add this to the set of selected cells (without complaint if it's already selected); otherwise if this is in range and selected is FALSE, remove it from the set of selected cells (again without complaint). The VBT will be repainted as necessary in due course.

The call v.isSelected(this) returns TRUE if this is in range and is a selected cell; otherwise it returns FALSE.

The call v.getAllSelected() returns the set of selected cells. If there are none, it returns a non-NIL REF to an array of length 0.

The call v.getFirstSelected(this) assigns to this the lowest-numbered selected cell and returns TRUE; if there are no selected cells, it returns FALSE.

The call v.scrollTo(this) adjusts the list's scrolling position to place

      MAX (0, MIN (this, v.count () - 1) )
at the top of v's domain.

The call v.scrollToShow(this) adjusts the list's scrolling position to make this visible.

The ListVBT will call v.reportVisible(first, num) whenever the set of visible cells changes (either because of scrolling or because of reshaping). (A cell is ``visible'' if it is within the domain of the ListVBT; it may not be visible to the user if other windows obscure the ListVBT.) The argument first is the index of the first visible cell, and num is the number of visible cells. The default for this method is a no-op; override it if you need the information it provides. The locking level of the method is LL.sup = v (that is, the ListVBT itself is locked when the method is called, so the method mustn't operate on v).

\subsubsection{The Painter}

Here is the definition of a Painter. In the comments about its methods, v is the VBT in which the painting is to take place; it is the ListVBT.T or a subtype of it. Recall that LL.sup = list for all methods, other than init.

  Painter = OBJECT
              init   (): Painter;
              height (v: VBT.T): INTEGER;
              paint (v       : VBT.T;
                     r       : Rect.T;
                     value   : REFANY;
                     index    : CARDINAL;
                     selected: BOOLEAN;
                     bad     : Rect.T   );
              select (v       : VBT.T;
                      r       : Rect.T;
                      value   : REFANY;
                      index   : CARDINAL;
                      selected: BOOLEAN );
              erase (v: VBT.T; r: Rect.T);
The call p.init() initializes p as a Painter and returns p.

The call p.height(v) returns the pixel height of each cell if painted in v. The list caches the result of this call, so it needn't be very efficient. It is called only when the list has a non-empty domain. It gets re-evaluated whenever the list's screen changes.

The call p.paint(v, r, value, index, select, bad) paints the cell with the given index and value in the given rectangle (whose height will equal that returned by p.height(), and some part of which will be visible). If selected is TRUE, highlight the painted cell to indicate that it is in the set of selected cells. bad is the subset of r that actually needs to be painted; bad is wholly contained in r.

The call p.select(v, r, value, index, selected) changes the highlight of the cell with the given index and value, according to selected, to show whether it is in the set of selected cells. The cell has previously been painted; its selection state has indeed changed. It's OK for this method to be identical to paint, but it might be more efficient or cause less flicker, e.g. by just inverting r.

The call p.erase(v, r) paints the given rectangle to show that it contains no cells. Typically, this just fills it with the background color used when painting cells.


Perhaps the most common type of Painter is a TextPainter. It displays cells whose values are text strings. Here is its public definition:

  TextPainter <: TextPainterPublic;

  TextPainterPublic =
    Painter OBJECT
      init (bg       := PaintOp.Bg;
            fg       := PaintOp.Fg;
            hiliteBg := PaintOp.Fg;
            hiliteFg := PaintOp.Bg;
            font     := Font.BuiltIn): TextPainter;
      setFont (v: VBT.T; font: Font.T); <* LL.sup < v *>
The call p.init(...) initializes p as a TextPainter and returns p. Unselected cells are painted with fg text on bg; selected cells are painted with hiliteFg text on hiliteBg; erased areas are painted with bg. Text is drawn using font.

After the call p.setFont(v, font), the TextPainter uses font for subsequent painting of values; the call also marks v for redisplay. v should be the relevant ListVBT.T.

\subsubsection{The Selector}

Here is the definition of Selector. Recall that LL.sup = VBT.mu for all methods other than init.

  Selector =
      init         (v: T): Selector;
      insideClick  (READONLY cd: VBT.MouseRec; this: Cell);
      outsideClick (READONLY cd: VBT.MouseRec);
      insideDrag   (READONLY cd: VBT.PositionRec; this: Cell);
      outsideDrag  (READONLY cd: VBT.PositionRec);
The call s.init(v) initializes s as a Selector and returns s. The ListVBT v need not have been initialized before this method is called.

The call s.insideClick(cd, this) is called on a FirstDown mouse click inside the cell, or on any mouse click inside the cell while we have the mouse focus. On any click other than LastUp, the list itself has set a cage so that it receives position reports during subsequent drags.

The call s.outsideClick(cd) is called when there is a FirstDown click in the ListVBT that is not in a cell, or on any mouse click not in a cell while we have the mouse focus. On any click other than LastUp, the list itself has set a cage so that it receives position reports during subsequent drags.

The call s.insideDrag(cd) is called if the list has received a FirstDown click and a subsequent position report with the mouse not in any cell. The list itself has set a cage so that it receives further position reports.

The call s.outsideDrag(cd) is called if the list has the mouse focus and receives a subsequent position report with the mouse in this cell. The list itself has set a cage so that it receives further position reports.

\subsubsection{UniSelector and MultiSelector}

One common class of Selector is a UniSelector. It maintains the invariant that there is at most one selected cell. On an insideClick firstDown, or an insideDrag, it removes any previous selection and then selects this cell. Its other methods do nothing. Here is its declaration:

  UniSelector <: Selector;
The other common class of Selector is MultiSelector. It permits multiple cells to be selected. On an insideClick firstDown, it remembers this cell as the {\em anchor}; if this is not a shift-click, it calls selectNone and inverts the selection state of this cell. On an insideDrag, it makes the selection state of all cells between this cell and the anchor be the same as that of the anchor. Here is its declaration:

  MultiSelector <: Selector;