
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
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    Last modified on Mon Jan 30 14:46:08 PST 1995 by kalsow                
         modified on Mon Nov 23 12:33:01 PST 1992 by meehan                
         modified on Tue Jun 30 20:27:04 1992 by mhb                       
         modified on Tue Jun 16 13:16:27 PDT 1992 by muller                
         modified on Wed Jul  4 10:14:27 PDT 1990 by mcjones               
         modified On Thu May  4  9:23:45 PDT 1989 by mbrown                
         modified On Tue Oct 11 19:06:48 1988 by chan                      
         modified On Mon Dec  2 10:14:30 1985 by brooks                    

MODULE MText EXPORTS MText, MTextPrivate;
The Mutable Text package, an internal representation for text editors. To Do:
       1) synchronization: it is not possible to have several readers
reading the mtext concurrently. The reason is that a read to a file node causes the mtext data structure to change.

IMPORT MTextDs, Rd, Text, Thread;
******************************************************************* Creating Mutable Texts *******************************************************************

PROCEDURE New (t := ""; bufMax: CARDINAL := 256): T =
    rootNode, anchorNode: Node;
    height              : CARDINAL;
    topnode             : T;
    anchorNode := NEW (Node, type := NodeType.anchor,
                       length := 1 (* the "phantom character" *));
    IF Text.Empty (t) THEN
      rootNode := anchorNode;
      height := 0
      rootNode := NEW (Node, type := NodeType.tree, sub := FALSE);
      MTextDs.Remake (
        rootNode, NEW (Node, type := NodeType.text, length := Text.Length (t),
                       text := t), anchorNode);
      height := 1
    topnode :=
      NEW (T, type := NodeType.top, lock := NEW (MUTEX), version := 0,
           root := rootNode, length := rootNode.length - 1, height := height,
           bufNode := NEW (Node, type := NodeType.buf,
                           buffer := NEW (REF ARRAY OF CHAR, bufMax)),
           bufMax := bufMax);
    rootNode.up := topnode;
    RETURN topnode
  END New;

PROCEDURE ChangeBufMax (m: T; bufMax: CARDINAL) =
    LOCK m.lock DO
      IF m.bufMax < bufMax THEN
        WITH b = NEW (REF ARRAY OF CHAR, bufMax) DO
          SUBARRAY (b^, 0, m.bufNode.length) :=
            SUBARRAY (m.bufNode.buffer^, 0, m.bufNode.length);
          m.bufNode.buffer := b
      m.bufMax := bufMax
  END ChangeBufMax;

PROCEDURE Close (m: T) =
    Replace (m, 0, LAST (CARDINAL), "");
    LOCK m.lock DO
      m.bufNode.buffer := NIL;
      m.bufNode.up := NIL;
      m.root := NIL
  END Close;
******************************************************************* Range Check *******************************************************************

PROCEDURE Check (VAR start, end: CARDINAL; actualLength: CARDINAL) =
    start := MIN (start, actualLength);
    end := MAX (start, MIN (end, actualLength))
  END Check;
******************************************************************* Basic Editing Operations *******************************************************************

PROCEDURE Replace (m: T; begin, end: CARDINAL; newtext: TEXT) =
    len := Text.Length(newtext);
    ref : REF ARRAY OF CHAR;
    buf : ARRAY [0..63] OF CHAR;
    IF (len <= NUMBER (buf)) THEN
      Text.SetChars (buf, newtext);
      ReplaceInternal (m, begin, end, SUBARRAY (buf, 0, len), newtext);
      ref := NEW (REF ARRAY OF CHAR, len);
      Text.SetChars (ref^, newtext);
      ReplaceInternal (m, begin, end, ref^, newtext);
  END Replace;

PROCEDURE ReplaceChars (         m         : T;
                                 begin, end: CARDINAL;
                        READONLY str       : ARRAY OF CHAR) =
    ReplaceInternal (m, begin, end, str, NIL)
  END ReplaceChars;

PROCEDURE ReplaceInternal (         m         : T;
                                    begin, end: CARDINAL;
                           READONLY chars     : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                                    newtext   : TEXT           ) =
    beginN, endN: Node;
    beginI, endI: CARDINAL;
    numChars               := NUMBER (chars);
    LOCK m.lock DO
      Check (begin, end, m.length);
      MTextDs.Locate (m, begin, beginN, beginI);
      MTextDs.Locate (m, end, endN, endI);
      DeleteNodes (beginN, beginI, endN, endI, end - begin);
      IF numChars > 0 THEN
        (* It's not just a deletion. *)
        IF begin = end AND numChars <= m.bufMax THEN
          (* A simple insertion, and it will fit in the buf node. *)
          (* Get or adjust the buf node. *)
          IF beginN.type # NodeType.buf OR beginN.length + numChars > m.bufMax THEN
            MTextDs.MoveBufTo (m, beginN, beginI)
          MTextDs.BufOpen (beginN, beginI, numChars);
          SUBARRAY (beginN.buffer^, beginI, numChars) := chars
        ELSIF beginN.type = NodeType.buf
                AND beginN.length + numChars <= m.bufMax THEN
          (* It's a replacement, and it's entirely within the buf node. *)
          MTextDs.BufOpen (beginN, beginI, numChars);
          SUBARRAY (beginN.buffer^, beginI, numChars) := chars
          (* It's too big for the buf node, or it overlaps. *)
          IF newtext = NIL THEN newtext := Text.FromChars (chars) END;
          MTextDs.InsertAt (
            beginN, beginI, NEW (Node, type := NodeType.text, text := newtext,
                                 length := numChars))
      INC (m.version)
  END ReplaceInternal;

PROCEDURE ReplaceFile (m         : T;
                       begin, end: CARDINAL;
                       rd        : Rd.T;
                       start     : CARDINAL   := 0;
                       numChars  : CARDINAL   := LAST (CARDINAL)) =
  <* FATAL Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted *>
    beginN, endN: Node;
    beginI, endI: CARDINAL;
    LOCK m.lock DO
      Check (begin, end, m.length);
      start := MIN (start, Rd.Length (rd));
      numChars := MIN (numChars, Rd.Length (rd) - start);
      MTextDs.Locate (m, begin, beginN, beginI);
      MTextDs.Locate (m, end, endN, endI);
      DeleteNodes (beginN, beginI, endN, endI, end - begin);
      MTextDs.InsertAt (
        beginN, beginI, NEW (Node, type := NodeType.file, length := numChars,
                             file := rd, start := start));
      INC (m.version)
  END ReplaceFile;

PROCEDURE DeleteNodes (VAR (* inout*) firstN: Node;
                       VAR (* inout*) firstI: CARDINAL;
                                      lastN : Node;
                                      lastI : CARDINAL;
                                      size  : CARDINAL  ) =
  VAR node, parent: Node;
    IF firstN # lastN THEN
      IF firstI > 0 THEN
        DEC (size, firstN.length - firstI);
        MTextDs.Delete(firstN, firstI, firstN.length);
        firstN := MTextDs.RightNeighbor(firstN);
        firstI := 0
      WHILE firstN # lastN DO
        node := firstN;
        parent := node.up;
        (* find largest subtree including firstN that we can delete. This
           will never include the root, because it can never include the
           anchor node, because you can't get a head to the end of the
           anchor node. *)
        WHILE node = parent.left AND parent.length <= size DO
          node := parent;
          parent := node.up
        (* Strange use of RightNeighbor: we want the nearest leaf to the
           right of node, which may not be a leaf! It should work,
           though. *)
        firstN := MTextDs.RightNeighbor(node);
        size := size - node.length;
        IF size = 0 THEN RETURN END
    IF firstI # lastI THEN MTextDs.Delete(firstN, firstI, lastI) END
  END DeleteNodes;
******************************************************************* Extracting Text and Information *******************************************************************

    LOCK m.lock DO RETURN m.length END
  END Length;

PROCEDURE GetText (m    : T;
                   begin: CARDINAL := 0;
                   end  : CARDINAL := LAST(CARDINAL)): TEXT =
    beginN, endN: Node;
    beginI, endI: CARDINAL;
    t:            TEXT;
    LOCK m.lock DO
      Check (begin, end, m.length);
      MTextDs.Locate(m, begin, beginN, beginI);
      MTextDs.Locate(m, end, endN, endI);
      IF endN = beginN THEN
        RETURN MTextDs.GetNodeText(beginN, beginI, endI)
        t := MTextDs.GetNodeText(beginN, beginI, beginN.length);
        beginN := MTextDs.RightNeighbor(beginN);
        WHILE beginN # endN DO
          t := t & MTextDs.GetNodeText(beginN);
          beginN := MTextDs.RightNeighbor(beginN)
        t := t & MTextDs.GetNodeText(beginN, 0, endI);
        RETURN t
  END GetText;

PROCEDURE GetChar (m: T; index: CARDINAL): CHAR =
  <* FATAL Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted, Rd.EndOfFile *>
    node:  Node;
    nodeI: CARDINAL;
    LOCK m.lock DO
      MTextDs.LocateB(m, index, node, nodeI);
      CASE node.type OF
      | NodeType.text => RETURN Text.GetChar(node.text, nodeI);
      | NodeType.buf => RETURN node.buffer[nodeI];
      | NodeType.file =>
          Rd.Seek(node.file, nodeI + node.start);
          RETURN Rd.GetChar(node.file);
  END GetChar;

END MText.
Data Structure and Algorithms

Mutable Text is intended as a text editor's internal representation of text. It is designed on the assumption that insertions and deletions and replacements will be common, and that the text being edited may be quite large (order of 1 million characters). This data structure, a balanced 2-3 tree, supports all operations except writing out the file in log(n) time.

The data structure is a balanced 2-3 tree, represented by a binary tree. A node with 2 children is an ordinary binary node; a node with 3 children has a subnode as its right child. A subnode is a binary node marked with the bit sub=TRUE, which influences the operation of the rebalancing algorithms. At intermediate stages in an insertion, a node may have 4 or 5 children; in this case a subnode may have a subnode, always on the right.

The leaves of the tree are pieces of text. They can be of three kinds: text, a TEXT; file, an Rd.T together with the start and length of the section referred to; or buf, an array buffer which is used for efficient typein. A mutable text has only one buf node at a time. Every leaf node stores the length of the text in it, and every interior node stores the total length of all the text in the subtree beneath it.

To a client, a mutable text is represented by a REF to a special type of node, a top node. There is one of these per mutable text; it is the parent of the root of the tree, and it stores information about the text as a whole. The rightmost node in a mutable text tree is a special node of type anchor and length 1; it represents the end of the text. An empty mutable text is represented by a top node whose root field points to an anchor node. The length 1 in the anchor node represents a phantom character. This phantom character means that the length field of the root node is always 1 greater than the truth. This 1 is subtracted off in maintaining the length of the top node, so the top node's length is true.

A Reader maintains a reference to a leaf node in the text. The index within that leaf is kept in the reader package's data structure. The MText must not be edited while a reader on it is in use; a reader initialized before an editing operation must not be used afterward.

To insert a new node after a existing node n, we give n's parent a new subnode with the new node as a child. If n's parent now has one subnode (3 children), we are done. But if n's parent now has two subnodes (4 children), we need to split the next level up. We give n's parent the left 2 children, make a new node with the right two children, and use the same procedure to insert the new node after n's parent.

Deletion is more complicated. In the simple case, the deletion lies within one node, which we will split into two parts containing the remaining first and last parts of the affected node. In the general case, several nodes are involved. We chop of the last part of the first node in the range and the first part of the last node in the range, and we delete all intervening nodes from the tree. The tree, of course, must stay 2-3 and balanced. To delete a node while keeping a balanced 2-3 tree, we do as follows.

If we delete a node which has two brothers, a 3 node has become a 2 node and all is well. But if we delete a node which has only one brother, then we must take that brother and hang it somewhere else. The procedure MoveToLeft does this; it attaches its argument as the new right brother of its nearest cousin to the left in the tree. Or it will in fact move the node to the right, if there is no left cousin. In any event, it changes neither the length nor the ordering of the mtext, but it does leave its argument's original parent with no children. This parent can then be deleted. This process proceeds up the tree until we reach a 3-node, which becomes a 2-node, and all is well. Or in the rare case, the root gets left with only one child. At this point, we delete that root node, and its child becomes the new root.