
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified On Sun Mar 21 16:29:23 PST 1993 by meehan 
      modified On Tue Jun 16 13:12:46 PDT 1992 by muller 
      modified On Fri Mar 20 10:06:06 PST 1992 by jdd    

This module contains VTView operations that investigate the buffer's representation on the screen.


IMPORT Point, Rd, Thread;

  View = VTDef.View;
  Pixels = VTDef.Pixels;
  I = VTDef.I;
  LineNo = VTDef.LineNo;
  VirtualStart = VTDef.VirtualStart;

PROCEDURE ComputeLine (             view  : View;
                                    avail : Pixels;
                                    from  : I;
                       VAR (* OUT*) max   : I;
                       VAR (* OUT*) turned: BOOLEAN;
                       VAR (* OUT*) width : Pixels    ): I
  RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Computes the characteristics of a screen line starting at from; returns the index after the end. (From is believed to be at the beginning of a screen line.) Avail is the available width in pixels.

Max is set to the index after the last character examined to make the decision (the first was from). Turned is set to whether the end of the screen line is turned (if the screen line does not end in a new-line and is not at the end of the buffer). Width is set to the width in pixels needed to display the text.

PROCEDURE Up (             view : View;
                           avail: Pixels;
                           place: I;
                           n    : CARDINAL;
              VAR (* OUT*) start: VirtualStart)
  RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Computes the beginning of the screen line n lines above the screen line that place is on. (Place is not believed to be at the beginning of a screen line.) Avail is the available width in pixels. Min and max are set to a half-open interval that includes a set of buffer positions that imply this result.

Turned is set to whether the beginning of that screen line is turned (if the screen line is not preceded by a new-line and is not at the beginning of the buffer). If fewer than n screen lines exist, the beginning of the buffer is returned. The array line is filled in with the virtual line info for the lines up to and including place; lines <= n.

PROCEDURE Down (view: View; from: I; n: CARDINAL): I
  RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Computes the beginning of the screen line n lines below the screen line that from is on. (From is believed to be at the beginning of a screen line.) If fewer than n screen lines exist, the end of the buffer is returned.

PROCEDURE UnsafeLocateLine (view: View; place: I): INTEGER RAISES {};
Computes the screen line number in the view that place is on (i.e., if there were a caret at place, the screen line on which it would appear). (Place is not believed to be at the beginning of a screen line.) If place is above the view, -1 is returned; if place is below the view, -2 is returned. UnsafeLocateLine can be called only when the virtual structure is not dirty, hence its name.

PROCEDURE UnsafeLocatePoint (             view : View;
                                          place: I;
                             VAR (* OUT*) p    : Point.T;
                                          off  : CARDINAL  := 1)
  RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Computes the position in the view that place appears (i.e., if there were a caret at place, the screen line on which it would appear). (Place is not believed to be at the beginning of a screen line.) The coordinate is in absolute screen coordinates, and refers to the northwest corner of the character at place. If place is above the view, p.v is set to -1 and p.h is arbitrary; if place is below the view, p.v is set to -2 and p.h is arbitrary. UnsafeLocatePoint can be called only when the virtual structure is not dirty, hence its name. If off is zero, UnsafeLocatePoint returns the right edge of the character instead of the left.