
 Copyright 1992 Digital Equipment Corporation. 
 Distributed only by permission. 
 Last modified on Fri Jun  3 14:00:20 PDT 1994 by mhb    
      modified on Tue Feb 23 10:34:24 PST 1993 by steveg 
      modified on Tue Feb 16 16:18:28 PST 1993 by johnh  
This interface provides a simple programmer interface for building algorithm animations, and provides a user interface for controlling the the selection of algorithms and views, and the execution of algorithms.

For historical reasons, this interface is called ZeusPanel; the Zeus interface is at a lower-level than this interface; it is useful for creating multi-view editor applications, as well as an algorithm animation system.


IMPORT Algorithm, FormsVBT, Rsrc, Thread, View;

PROCEDURE Interact (
    title: TEXT := "ZEUS Control Panel";
    path : Rsrc.Path := NIL);
<* LL = 0 *>
Called once; doesn't return until the user deletes the control panel. After installing a Zeus control panel in Trestle, tries to restore the state to the last time Zeus was exited (stored in StateDir) and then awaits user commands. When the user deletes the control panel, either by a WM gesture or using the Quit button from the Zeus menu, Zeus tries to snapshot the state into StateDir before returning.

PROCEDURE GetPath (): Rsrc.Path;
<* LL is arbitrary *>
Return the path that was specified when Interact was called. There is no way to change the path dynamically. The path is mostly part of ZeusPanel as a convenience for application-writers to share a single path among multiple modules. Also, it's used within ZeusPanel to open forms when NewForm is called.

PROCEDURE SetTitle (title: TEXT);
<* LL = 0 *>
Use title in the control panel's chassis. Typically not called, since a title can be set with a parameter to Interact. However, the title can be changed dynamically (for example, to reflect the name of the current algorithm or input).

PROCEDURE GetAnimationTime (): REAL;
<* LL = VBT.mu *>
Returns the setting of the animation slider. This is the amount of time that a ``one-second animation'' should take. By convention, each event takes one second.

PROCEDURE ReportError (text: TEXT);
<* LL = VBT.mu *>
Display the specified text as an error message in the control panel.

PROCEDURE ReportErrorC (report: BOOLEAN; text: TEXT);
<* LL = VBT.mu *>
IF report THEN ReportError(t)

PROCEDURE NewForm (name: TEXT; path: Rsrc.Path := NIL):
<* LL arbitrary *>
Returns a form stored in the resource name using the resource path. However, if path is NIL, then it uses the value returned by GetPath. It's a runtime error if there are any problems reading the form. Most causal clients will read .fv files using this procedure.

  NewAlgProc = PROCEDURE (): Algorithm.T;

PROCEDURE RegisterAlg (proc: NewAlgProc; name, sessName: TEXT);
<* LL=0 *>
Register an algorithm. name is the name of the algorithm. sessName is the name of the session to which the algorithm belongs, that is, the basename of the .evt file. proc is a NewAlgProc, a procedure that returns an initialized instance of the algorithm. This means that proc must call the init() method of the algorithm. It is a checked runtime error if an algorithm with the same name has already been registered in the same session.

  NewViewProc = PROCEDURE (): View.T;

PROCEDURE RegisterView (proc          : NewViewProc;
                        name, sessName: TEXT;
                        alertable     : BOOLEAN       := FALSE;
                        sample        : View.T        := NIL    );
<* LL=0 *>
Register a view. name is the name of the view, and sessName is the name of the session to which the algorithm belongs, that is, the basename of the .evt file. It is a checked runtime error if a view with the same name has already been registered in the same session. proc is a procedure that returns an initialized instance of the view. This means that proc must call the init method of the view. The proc can also return NIL to indicate that a new view could not be created for some reason (e.g., if the view uses a remote object that cannot be accessed). In such cases, proc should display an error message to the user using ZeusPanel.ReportError. If alertable = TRUE, then this view is willing to receive an alert as a signal to terminate the current event. If sample is non-NIL, it is an unitialized instance of the view, passed in so the Zeus implementation can call its isCompat method. Use this parameter if you don't want Zeus to create an uninstalled instance of the view, e.g., if proc has side effects like creating windows.

PROCEDURE SetSessTitle (sessName, sessTitle: TEXT);
<* LL=0 *>
The default title under which a session is listed in the Sessions menu is its name, that is, the basename of the .evt file. Use this procedure to change the title of session sessName to sessTitle. This procedure creates a session named sessName, if none existed previously.

PROCEDURE Pause (alg: Algorithm.T; msg: TEXT := NIL)
  RAISES {Thread.Alerted};
<* LL=0, S=Running *>
This procedure may only be called from algs run method. It returns after the user issues a Resume or Step command, or it may raise Thread.Alerted (for instance, if the algorithm is aborted). The msg, if non-NIL, is displayed in the control panel's status area.

<* LL=VBT.mu *>
This procedure acts as if the user had pressed the Abort button. Be careful: calling this procedure does not cause the algorithms to stop running immediately. The algorithms will stop the next time that Zeus gets control, which is typically the next time an event happens.

PROCEDURE StartFeedback (alg: Algorithm.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted};
<* LL=0, S=Running *>
This procedure may only be called from algs run method. It returns after alg has called EndFeedback or it may raise Thread.Alerted (for instance, if the algorithm is aborted).

The effect of this procedure is to suspend the algorithm and allow feedback events (as if the user had clicked Pause). When this procedure returns, the session continues under interpreter control (returns to the Running state). This procedure is a noop if there already is a 'pending' StartFeedback for this alg.

StartFeedback calls the reactivity methods of the algorithm and views to enable and disable feedback events.

PROCEDURE EndFeedback(alg: Algorithm.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted};
<* LL=VBT.mu, S=Paused *>
This procedure signals a previous call to StartFeedback to return. This procedure is typically called from an algorithm's Feedback method.

END ZeusPanel.

interface View is in: