
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Sun Oct 26 11:45:38 PST 1997 by heydon                   

Miscellaneous transformations on JunoAST's.


IMPORT JunoValue, JunoAST;
====================== Id/QId/NearVar Conversions =======================

PROCEDURE QIdFromNearVar(v: JunoAST.NearVarLink): JunoAST.QId;
Returns a new unqualified JunoAST.QId with the same identifier/index value as v. The hint and frozen information in v is lost. Requires v # NIL.

PROCEDURE QIdFromIds(mod, id: JunoAST.Id): JunoAST.QId;
Create and return a qualified (mod # JunoAST.NilId) or unqualified (mod = JunoAST.NilId) JunoAST.QId for <mod>.<id> or <id>, respectively. The new QId has default type and index.

PROCEDURE QIdFromTexts(mod, id: TEXT): JunoAST.QId;
Equivalent to QIdFromIds(Atom.FromText(mod), Atom.FromText(id)).

PROCEDURE QIdFromId(id: JunoAST.Id): JunoAST.QId;
Create and return an unqualified JunoAST.QId id. The new QId has default type and index.

Equivalent to QIdFromId(Atom.FromText(t)).
 ====================== IdList Conversions =============================== 

PROCEDURE IdListToNearVarList(l: JunoAST.IdList): JunoAST.NearVarList;
Return a new JunoAST.NearVarList containing the same identifier/index pairs as the list l. The hint in each element of the result is set to JunoAST.NilExpr. The order of the elements in the resulting list is the reverse of those in l.

PROCEDURE IdListToQIdList(l: JunoAST.IdList): JunoAST.QIdList;
Return a new JunoAST.QIdList containing the same (unqualified) names in l (in the same order).
 ==================== Create New 1-Item Lists ============================ 

PROCEDURE NewExprList(e: JunoAST.Expr; bp: JunoAST.T := NIL): JunoAST.ExprList;
Return a new, 1-item JunoAST.ExprList containing e with back pointer bp.

PROCEDURE NewQIdList(qid: JunoAST.QId; bp: JunoAST.T := NIL): JunoAST.QIdList;
Return a new, 1-item JunoAST.QIdList containing qid with back pointer bp.

PROCEDURE NewIdList(id: JunoAST.Id; index: INTEGER := 0): JunoAST.IdList;
Return a new, 1-item JunoAST.IdList containing id, with index index.
 ======================== Membership Tests =============================== 

PROCEDURE MemIdList(id: JunoAST.Id; l: JunoAST.IdList): BOOLEAN;
Return TRUE iff id is a member of the list l.

PROCEDURE MemNearVarList(id: JunoAST.Id; l: JunoAST.NearVarList):
If id is the name of one of the variables in l, return the corresponding NearVarLink of l. Otherwise, return NIL.
 ======================= Operations on IdList's ========================== 

PROCEDURE CopyIdList(l: JunoAST.IdList): JunoAST.IdList;
Return a copy of the list l. This procedure is non-destructive.

PROCEDURE ConcatIdLists(l1, l2: JunoAST.IdList): JunoAST.IdList;
Return the result of concatenating the lists l1 and l2. This procedure is non-destructive.
 ===================== Operations on NearVarList's ======================= 

PROCEDURE NearVarListUnion(l1, l2: JunoAST.NearVarList): JunoAST.NearVarList;
Return a new JunoAST.NearVarList containing the union of the elements in l1 and l2. The order of the resulting list is the reverse of l1 concatenated with l2.

PROCEDURE NearVarListCopy(l: JunoAST.NearVarList): JunoAST.NearVarList;
Return a copy of l. Requires l # NIL.

PROCEDURE ExtractHints(vars: JunoAST.NearVarList): JunoAST.Formula;
Returns a conjunction of Equals and Near predicates containing one such predicate for each frozen or hinted variable in vars, respectively. Returns TRUE if all the vars are unhinted. Requires that vars is non-empty.

PROCEDURE StripHints(vars: JunoAST.NearVarList): JunoAST.NearVarList;
Returns a list containing the same variables as vars, but all variables in the resulting list are unhinted. The evar fields of the result variables are all set to FALSE.
 ============================= MapArgs =================================== 

TYPE Mappee = PROCEDURE(e: JunoAST.Expr): JunoAST.Expr;

PROCEDURE MapArgs(expr: JunoAST.Expr; p: Mappee): JunoAST.Expr;
If expr is of the form f(t1,...,tn), where f is one of the predicates or functions described below, and the t_i are terms, then return a new expression f(p(t1),...,p(tn)). If expr is TRUE or FALSE (i.e., a LitPred), return expr. Signal a run-time error otherwise.

The legal forms for f are:

         o a user-defined predicate or function (i.e., a "JunoAST.Call");
         o predicates "JunoAST.BuiltInUnaryPred" or "JunoAST.Relation" (i.e., all
           "JunoAST.BuiltInPred"'s except "And", "Or", "Not", and "Exists"); or
         o functions "JunoAST.BuiltInFunc"
Hence, of all JunoAST.Expr's, the only types that cause MapArgs to signal a run-time error are:
         o the compound formulas ("And", "Or", "Not", "Exists")
         o a grouped expression (i.e., a "JunoAST.GroupedExpr");
         o "AtomicExpr" (i.e., "LitValue" and "QId")
         o "NormalForm"
 ======================= Operations on JunoAST.Vars ====================== 

PROCEDURE MemVars(qid: JunoAST.QId; READONLY vars: JunoAST.Vars): INTEGER;
Return the index of qid -- which must be an unqualified local variable -- in vars, or -1 if it does not occur. qid appears in vars if there is a JunoAST.NearVarLink in vars with the same index value.
 ==================== Create New Special-Purpose AST's =================== 

PROCEDURE NewNumber(x: JunoValue.Real): JunoAST.Expr;
Return a new expression that is a new JunoAST.Number if x is non-negative, or a new JunoAST.UMinus containing a new JunoAST.Number if x is negative.

PROCEDURE NewPoint(x, y: JunoValue.Real): JunoAST.Pair;
Return a new AST that unparses to the expression (xVal, yVal), where xVal and yVal are the expressions with values x and y, respectively, as created by NewNumber above.

PROCEDURE NewASTFromValue(v: JunoValue.T): JunoAST.T;
Return a new AST that unparses to the run-time value v.

PROCEDURE NewAssign(v: JunoAST.QId; e: JunoAST.Expr): JunoAST.Assign;
Return the assignment v := e.
 ============================ Miscellaneous ============================== 

PROCEDURE Ungroup(ast: JunoAST.T): JunoAST.T;
Return the largest subtree of ast that is not a grouped command or grouped expression.

PROCEDURE EqualQIds(qid1, qid2: JunoAST.QId): BOOLEAN;
Return TRUE iff qid1 and qid2 have the same module name and identifier name.

PROCEDURE FirstProcCall(cmd: JunoAST.Cmd; qid: JunoAST.QId): JunoAST.ProcCall;
Return the first procedure call command to the procedure named qid in the command cmd, or NIL if such a procedure call does not occur in cmd.

PROCEDURE AlwaysDefined(e: JunoAST.Expr): BOOLEAN;
Return TRUE iff e is an expression that is always defined. The basic expressions that are always defined are literals and qualified identifiers. In addition to these are: grouped expressions whose (body) expression is always defined, list expressions all of whose elements are always defined, pair expressions both of whose values are always defined, and call expressions to user-defined or external procedures all of whose IN parameters are always defined (except for the built-in user-defined CLOSE and APPLY procedures).

Note: If this procedure is called before e's atoms have been annotated by JunoCompile.AnnotateAtoms, it will return FALSE in some cases where it would return TRUE once the atoms had been annotated.

END JunoASTUtils.

interface JunoValue is in: