
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Mon Oct 31 09:34:14 PST 1994 by heydon                   
      modified on Sun Jun  5 13:04:30 1994 by gnelson                      
      modified on Sat Aug 22 22:10:45 PDT 1992 by myers                    

Defines the abstract Juno machine and the Juno run-time. See the JunoByteCode interface for a description of the instructions understood by the Juno machine.

The Juno machine maintains an internal Boolean variable that is set by some instructions and tested by others. It also maintains a run-time stack, which contains both procedure frames and Juno values.

All procedures in this interface are un-monitored.

IMPORT JunoRTError, JunoValue;

  ByteCode = BITS 8 FOR [0..255];
  ByteStream = REF ARRAY OF ByteCode;

  ExternalCode = BRANDED "JunoRT.ExternalCode" OBJECT METHODS
    invoke(): BOOLEAN
If ec is an ExternalCode in the external code table, then ec.invoke() is called whenever ec is invoked by a JunoByteCode.CALLEXT bytecode. The machine's internal cond state variable is set to the return value produced by ec.invoke(). The result should be TRUE in the event of success, and FALSE in the event of a run-time error.

  value_tbl: REF ARRAY OF JunoValue.T;
  code_tbl:  REF ARRAY OF ByteStream;
  ext_code_tbl: REF ARRAY OF ExternalCode;
The Juno machine has three global tables: one for values, one for compiled Juno procedures, and one for ``external'' Modula-3 procedures. Bytecode instructions can read and write values in the table value_tbl, they can call Code's in the table code_tbl, and they can call ExternalCode's (Modula-3 procedures) in the table ext_code_tbl. The entry code_tbl[0] is reserved by the run-time.

Use only the three procedures below to manipulate the value and code tables.

PROCEDURE GetValueIndex(val: JunoValue.T): CARDINAL;
Return the value index previously allocated to val, or allocate and return a value index i for val (initializing value_tbl[i] to val) if one has not been allocated for it previously. Indices returned by this procedure reference read-only values.

PROCEDURE GetVarIndex(md, nm: Atom.T): CARDINAL;
Return the value index previously allocated to the qualified ID md . nm, or allocate and return a value index for that QID if one has not been allocated for it previously.

  ProcAttr = RECORD modName, name: Atom.T; sig: Sig END;
  Sig = RECORD outs, inouts, ins: CARDINAL END;
If p: ProcAttr, p.name must be non-NIL, but p.modName may be NIL to indicate an anonymous module.

Return the code index previously allocated to the internal procedure with the name in pa, or allocate and return an index for that procedure if one has not been allocated for it previously. Requires that pa be valid.

Return the code index previously allocated to the external procedure with the name in pa, or allocate and return an index for that procedure if one has not been allocated for it previously. Requires that pa be valid.

PROCEDURE GetProcAttr(s: CARDINAL): ProcAttr;
Return the attributes of the internal procedure in slot s.

PROCEDURE GetExtProcAttr(s: CARDINAL): ProcAttr;
Return the attributes of the external procedure in slot s.

If pc: PC, then pc represents the program counter at the ByteCode code_tbl[pc.proc, pc.offset].

Frame <: FramePublic;
  FramePublic = OBJECT METHODS
    down(): Frame;			 (* was "prev" *)
    up(): Frame;			 (* was "next" *)
    getLocal(i: INTEGER): JunoValue.T;
    setLocal(i: INTEGER; v: JunoValue.T);
    pc(): PC;
    setPC(pc: PC);
The Juno machine maintains a stack of frames. Each frame corresponds to a bytestream; no frames are created when procedures in the ext_code_tbl are called. A frame has two important attributes: an array of variables, and a current PC.

The stack grows from the initial base frame upwards. Hence, the frame for the currently running procedure is the topmost frame. In the machine's initial state, the base and topmost frames are the same.

The down and up methods report the adjoining Frame's in the stack. The base frame always has f.pc() = PC{0,0} and f.down() = NIL. The topmost frame always has f.up() = NIL.

Local arguments in a frame (both procedure arguments and temporaries) can be accessed with the getLocal and setLocal methods. See the description in the JunoByteCode interface for how local variables are indexed. It is an unchecked run-time error to supply an index which is outside the valid range for the procedure to which the frame corresponds. The value returned by getLocal for unitialized variables may be (Modula-3) NIL.

The pc method reports the frame's program counter. The setPC method sets the frame's program counter.

Various procedures cause Frame objects to become invalid. Once a frame becomes invalid, invoking any operation on it is an unchecked run-time error.

PROCEDURE BaseFrame(): Frame;
Returns the initial base frame.

PROCEDURE TopFrame(): Frame;
Returns the topmost frame.

PROCEDURE PushFrame(new_pc: PC; size: CARDINAL);
Creates a new frame f with size arguments such that f.down() is the current topmost frame, and f.pc() = pc. Initially, f.getArgument(i) = NIL for each i in the range [0..size-1]. If necessary, this procedure automatically enlarges the stack to hold the size arguments and the new frame pointer. This procedure sets pc to new_pc.

Invalidates the current topmost frame; the frame below the the old topmost frame becomes the topmost frame. It is a checked run-time error to invoke this procedure when the machine is in the initial state.

PROCEDURE ResetMachine();
Resets the Juno machine to its initial state, in which the base and top frames are the same.

Saves the current machine state, including the entire stack. Doesn't currently save the value table, though maybe it should.

PROCEDURE Restore();
Restores the state to the one that was last saved by a call to Save(). It is a checked run-time error if no state has been previously saved.

Reports the current size of the run-time stack.

PROCEDURE EnlargeStack();
Doubles the size of the run-time stack, while preserving all aspects of the machine state.

TYPE TrapCode = {NormalHalt, BreakPoint, Error, Interrupt, StackOverflow};
A NormalHalt trap occurs when a procedure returns into a frame f such that f.pc() = PC{0,0}. An Error trap occurs in the event of a run-time error (see the JunoRTError interface for a list of possible run-time errors). An Interrupt trap occurs when the computation is interrupted by the user. A StackOverflow trap occurs when the run-time stack is overflowed; calling EnlargeStack followed by Exec will continue the computation.

  trapCode: TrapCode;
  trapLoc: PC;
  extSlot: CARDINAL;
  errorCode: JunoRTError.Code
The procedures in the module for running the machine return a result of type ExecRes. If er: ExecRes, then er.trapCode is the TrapCode indicating why the machine stopped. If trapCode # NormalHalt, then er.trapLoc is the program counter of the instruction causing a run-time error if trapCode = Error, or the location of the most recently executed instruction otherwise. The field er.extSlot is the slot number of the most recently executed external procedure; it is only defined in the event that the machine halted due to the failure of an external procedure. If er.trapCode = TrapCode.Error, er.errorCode is the error code value.

PROCEDURE TrapMessage(READONLY execRes: ExecRes): TEXT;
Return a descriptive error message for the execution result execRes.

PROCEDURE Interrupt();
Halt the currently running program at a convenient location with a TrapCode.Interrupt, and then return. This is a no-op if the machine is not currently running.

PROCEDURE Exec(): ExecRes;
Executes any code at the current pc of the bottom stack frame until a trap is encountered, and returns the execution result. All existing Frame objects become invalid once this procedure is invoked.

PROCEDURE ExecFromSlot(slot: CARDINAL; reset := TRUE): ExecRes;
Execute the code in the given code_tbl slot. If reset = TRUE, then call ResetMachine before executing the specified code.


interface JunoValue is in: