
 Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              

M3DirFindFile provides a file finder for a search path specified as a list of directories (an M3PathElemList.T).


IMPORT M3Extension, M3FindFile, M3PathElem, M3PathElemList;
FROM M3FindFile IMPORT Failed;

  Finder <: FinderPublic;
  FinderPublic = M3FindFile.T OBJECT
    init(exts: M3Extension.TSet;
         dirs: M3PathElemList.T;
         oldFinder: Finder := NIL;
         errorHandler: ErrorHandler := NIL
        ): Finder RAISES {OSError.E};

    dirOf(name: TEXT; ext: M3Extension.T
         ): M3PathElem.T RAISES {Failed};

    dirs(): M3PathElemList.T;

    iterate(): Iter;

    setProperty(name: TEXT; ext: M3Extension.T;
                value: REFANY) RAISES {Failed};
    getProperty(name: TEXT; ext: M3Extension.T
               ): REFANY RAISES {Failed};

    merge(f1, f2: Finder): Finder;

  ErrorHandler = OBJECT
    callback(dir: M3PathElem.T; ec: OSError.Code): BOOLEAN;

  TFinder <: TFinderPublic;
  TFinderPublic = Finder OBJECT
        exts: M3Extension.TSet;
        rd: Rd.T;
        oldFinder: Finder := NIL): Finder RAISES {OSError.E};

  Iter <: IterPublic;
  IterPublic = OBJECT
    next(VAR (*out*) unitName: TEXT;
         VAR (*out*) ext: M3Extension.T;
         VAR (*out*) dir: M3PathElem.T): BOOLEAN;

END M3DirFindFile.
NEW(Finder).init(...) returns a finder object for the given list of directories. The find method of the returned finder object will look for the file corresponding to the name and extension in each of the directories in the list. The search is ordered so if there are two file names in different directories which match a given name and extension the file name earliest on the directory list will be returned. If oldFinder # NIL, it is used to propagate information from directories marked as {\it read-only} to the new finder. If an error occurs reading any of the directories, then if errorHandler = NIL OSError.E will be raised. If errorHandler # NIL, errorHandler.callback(dir, ec) will be called, where dir represents the directory element that could not be opened and ec represents the code that would have been passed with the OSError.E exception. Processing continues if a result of TRUE is returned from the callback, or aborts otherwise with a result of NIL from Init.

The exts method returns the value of exts passed to init. The dirOf method returns the directory, as an Elem, of the pathname returned by the find method. The dirs method returns the list of directories that were returned by the internal call of Read when the finder was created.

The iterate method returns an iterator on the files associated with the finder. The next method will return FALSE if the iteration is exhausted, else it returns TRUE and sets the VAR parameters to the unit name, extension and directory of the next file, respectively.

The setProperty method associates value with file defined by the pair name,ext, raising M3FindFile.Failed if no such file exists. Any existing value is overwritten. The getProperty returns the value associated with name,ext, or NIL if no such value has been associated.

NEW(T).merge(f1, f2) merges f1, with f2, and returns the finder. Viewing a finder as defining a set of pairs, name, ext, the new finder is defined by the union of f1 and f2. Where the finders overlap, the information from f1 is taken. It is legal for f2 to be NIL, in which case the result is a copy of self.

The effect of altering the directories given in the path list while the find object is in use is undefined (e.g. the implementation of Find may build a cache which may become out of date). Create a new finder if the directory list or the contents of the directory may have changed.

A TFinder is very like a Finder, except that the list of directory names and the set of filenames in those directories is explicitly encoded on the reader rd passed to NEW(TFinder).init, according to the following syntax:

      TSpec = { Dir {File} } .
      Dir = @Pathname .
      File = Filename .