
 Copyright (C) 1989, Digital Equipment Corporation        
 All rights reserved.                                     
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.           
 Created by Susan Owicki                                  
 Last modified on Sat Sep  3 14:53:26 PDT 1994 by weich   
 modified On Fri Feb 18 17:30:06 PST 1994 by kalsow       
 Modified On Mon May 17 13:26:35 PDT 1993 by mjordan      
 Modified On Thu Apr 22 11:43:51 PDT 1993 by owicki       

A ImportList.T is a set of interface names. The procedure Get generates such a list. It takes a Type.Object and looks at all its components to construct a list of all necessary imports to represent the type in a Modula-3 program.

A procedure Add can be used to add other interfaces to the list. ToText produces a comma separated list of all interface names (useful for IMPORT statements).


IMPORT Atom, Type;

  T <: REFANY;
  MethodList = REF ARRAY OF Method;
  Method = RECORD
             name: Atom.T;
             sig : Type.Signature

PROCEDURE FromType (type: Type.Object; methods: MethodList): T;
Generate a new import list. Look for fields in type and for signature of methods in methods.

PROCEDURE Add (importList: T; intf: Atom.T);
Add the interface name intf to importList. This is a no-op if intf is already in the list

PROCEDURE ToText (imports: T): TEXT;
Generate a comma separated list of interface names out of imports. The output is suitable for an IMPORT statement.

END ImportList.

ImportList's implementation is in:

interface Type is in:

opaque type ImportList.T is in:

procedure ImportList.FromType is in:

procedure ImportList.Add is in:

procedure ImportList.ToText is in: