
************************************************************************* Copyright (C) Olivetti 1989 All Rights reserved Use and copy of this software and preparation of derivative works based upon this software are permitted to any person, provided this same copyright notice and the following Olivetti warranty disclaimer are included in any copy of the software or any modification thereof or derivative work therefrom made by any person. This software is made available AS IS and Olivetti disclaims all warranties with respect to this software, whether expressed or implied under any law, including all implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for any purpose. In no event shall Olivetti be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits or otherwise arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. *************************************************************************

IMPORT Rd, Wr, Thread, Pickle, M3AST_AS, M3AST_FE, M3Context;

    context: M3Context.T;
    rd: Rd.T;
    p: ImportedUnitProc;
    VAR (*out*) cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit
    ) RAISES {Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted, Pickle.Error};
Unpickle an AST from rd, using p to locate units that are referenced by the pickle.

  ImportedUnitProc = PROCEDURE(
      unitName: TEXT;
      unitType: M3AST_FE.Unit_type;
      unitUid: M3AST_FE.Unit_uid;
      context: M3Context.T;
      VAR (*out*) cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit
A call to this procedure is a request for the given unit to be found. The M3Context.T argument will be the same as that passed in to Read. The M3CUnit.Uid argument must match the found unit. A FALSE result means that the unit could not be found or did not match.

PROCEDURE Write(cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit; wr: Wr.T)
    RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted, Pickle.Error};
Pickle cu to wr, including the structure to allow unpickling later.

END M3ASTPickle.