
 Copyright (C) 1990, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              

M3DepFindFile provides a file-finder with basic support for dependency analysis in terms of file timestamps.


IMPORT Time, TextList, Rd, OSError;
IMPORT M3Extension, M3PathElem, M3DirFindFile;

TYPE T <: Public;
  Public = M3DirFindFile.TFinder OBJECT
    init(exts: M3Extension.TSet;
         rd: Rd.T;
         oldFinder: T := NIL): T RAISES {OSError.E};
    rescan(): T;
    validateDir(dir: TEXT): M3PathElem.T;
    interfaces(oldt: T; VAR (*out*) u: UpdateRec;
               inDir: M3PathElem.T := NIL);
    modules(oldt: T; VAR (*out*) u: UpdateRec;
            inDir: M3PathElem.T := NIL);
    infoOf(name: TEXT; ext: M3Extension.T): Info;

  Update = {Deleted, Added, Changed};
  UpdateRec = ARRAY Update OF TextList.T;

  Info = RECORD
    pathName: TEXT := NIL;
    timeStamp: Time.T := 0.0d0

END M3DepFindFile.
NEW(T).init(exts, rd, oldFinder) first creates a finder by calling:

      M3DirFindFile.TFinder.Init(exts, rd, oldFinder) 
It then reads and stores the timestamps of the files that can be accessed from the finder.

The rescan method makes a copy of itself, and then updates the timestamps on the files in the mutable directories, that is those search path elements for which elem.readOnly() returns FALSE.

The validate method checks if dir is in the list associated with its finder and returns the associated M3PathElem.T, if so. Otherwise it returns NIL.

The interfaces method returns the units in that are newer than in oldt. If oldt = NIL, all interfaces are returned. If inDir # NIL, then the search is restricted to units in directory inDir.

The infoOf method returns the pathname and file system time stamp for the unit denoted by name, ext. The pathName field will be NIL if such a unit does not exist. The timeStamp field will be NIL if it cannot be read.